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Showing posts from July, 2020

Being Kind to Yourself and Building Resilience During Coronavirus and Beyond

Being Kind to Yourself and Building Resilience During Coronavirus and Beyond. The past three months have been very difficult for all of us. The Coronavirus pandemic combined with enforced lockdown has meant we’ve found ourselves in situations we’ve never faced before.  Personally, I have found it very challenging balancing my time between my work as a counsellor and also caring for my 6-year-old daughter. My emotions have varied and have ranged from feelings of despondency, anger and feeling overwhelmed by the need to keep my head above water. In such unprecedented times, individuals and families have faced different challenges some of them include: -        Balancing work and family -        Financial strain -        Isolation from friends/family/support network -        Missing out on holidays/trips/events/birthdays -        Home schooling -        Bereavements (not being able to attend funerals of friends and loved ones) -        Big life events like having a